OLLE- OnLine Lead Engine
How it helps
Ask the leading questions to boost product portfolios, increase traffic on social media pages, and grow your membership with this software.
For more info, click here for a printable OLLE one-pager!
OLLE is a web-based lead generating software that you pay for access to. Receive a discount if you want to run multiple contests, or run as many contests as you want with an annual subscription. Alternatively, we can manage an OLLE contest for you; see below for details.
Ongoing fees:
$250 / contest
$2000 / year
About Managed OLLE
A custom contest or survey created utilizing the OLLE software managed by Xtend. Includes content creation, HTML emails, winner generation, data export and reporting.
$600 / campaign
Ongoing fees:
$0.02 / email
$2.50 / call