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Know Your Credit Card Holders

Know Your Online Credit Card Holders

Develop a deeper understanding of how your members repay their credit card with you, and how this impacts your relationship with them.

How it helps

Improve your lending campaigns with decisions rooted in data.


A detailed PDF file with analysis of your members borrowing cards with you, with recommended action items.

One-time fee:

Starting at $800

Any ongoing fees or recurring services will be quoted per-request.

Know Your Outside Credit Card Holders

Purchase credit bureau data to see not only who at your credit union is borrowing on an outside credit card, but also how they repay their current outside credit card balances.

How it helps

Improve the segmentation of your future lending campaigns.


A detailed PDF file with analysis of your members borrowing cards elsewhere, with recommended action items.

One-time fee:

Quote provided

Any ongoing fees or recurring services will be quoted per-request.

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